Athletic Gear That Changes Your Game


SAFS Athletic Shorts FAI Hip Pain


Unlock a new level of athletic performance and comfort. SAFS shorts are designed with a groundbreaking patented technology to align the hips, optimizing your performance while offering significant pain relief. Ideal for athletes and active individuals seeking enhanced alignment, support, and mobility. SAFS have also shown to be beneficial for a variety of hip discomfort.


The Full Benefits of SAFS

While our SAFS Athletic Shorts are renowned for their ability to align the hips and alleviate hip pain, their benefits extend far beyond. Many athletes experience leg and lower back pain as a result of issues that originate in the hips. These are known as referred pains, where the pain is felt in areas other than its source.

HIP Alignment

By aligning the hips, SAFS Shorts ensure that the biomechanics of your lower body are optimized. This alignment reduces undue stress on related muscle groups and joints which causes "referred pain".

Lower Back Pain

Correct hip alignment can mitigate common causes of leg pain such as sciatic nerve irritation or muscular imbalances. By wearing SAFS Shorts, athletes can experience fewer instances of pain radiating down the legs.

Leg and Knee Pains

Misalignment of the hips often contributes to lower back pain. The support and alignment provided by SAFS Shorts help in maintaining a better posture, which can significantly lessen back discomfort, especially during physical activity.

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