Athletic Gear That Changes Your Game


Featured Story

Jesse Tovar

Owner of JVL Labs

"Hey Don,

Good morning. When you first told me about these shorts, I didn’t think anything of it. I thought well another one of those things that people advertise like crazy, but for somebody like me that's not that young anymore, and have high uric acid, amd arthritic Joints specially from my lower back to my toes because of the flareups that I had from the gout.

One of the things that I enjoy so much in life is playing golf, and my biggest problem is at the end of the round my lower back hurts, my hips hurt, my ankles hurt. Everything hurts.

So, this weekend I wore the shorts at our tournament Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I’m telling you I didn’t hurt at all. I was super happy. I’ve been wearing these shorts since I got them last week, Wednesday or Thursday, and I’m telling you these shorts have really show me something that I didn’t think would help.

You know, when I was eight years old, I was shot in my lower left side of my body in my stomach, so I had several surgeries to correct the insides of my stomach. I couldn’t walk straight for years, and the results of that was always having lower back pain. Specially when I gain weight, well, let me tell you these shorts have really helped me so far, so I’m gonna continue wearing them all the time.


Thank you, Don.

-Jesse Tovar